Monday, February 24, 2020

Culture of an Organization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture of an Organization - Research Paper Example In the said article, the report clearly states that there was major collaboration between the US and Mexican informants which resulted to the fall of some major drug cartels across Mexican boundary. Although Mexico was no longer part of the US’s area of responsibility, powerful and influential drug cartels in the said country remain to affect the US which usually would result to its continuing problem and fight with major prevailing crimes. In the article of Thomson, it also states that American officials believe that the Drug Enforcement Administration informants having link with cartels are of great help in tracking down culprits of major crimes. The US law enforcement agency is a significant component of the country’s criminal justice system. This agency must have important information as basis prior to its actual decision-making process towards the society’s concerns on criminal activities initiated by highly systematic criminal individuals, groups or organiz ations. This agency is therefore having a strong culture about relying on exact information. Its ability to incur services from Drug Enforcement Administration informants is a remarkable justification of its existing culture. In other words, informants have critical role to play towards the kind of decision that the US law enforcement agency must remarkably apply. ... e US law enforcement agency must therefore improve further its capacity to track down criminals and one way of doing so is to establish a high system of information-based system. Informants are significant components of it, which only means that they are elemental factors for the future directions of the US law enforcement agency. After all, an organization must remarkably consist of a social network which would not only make monitoring of flow of information and work output possible, but as well as culture (Carpenter, Bauer & Erdogan, 2009). In the case of the US law enforcement agency, its potential networks for the fulfillment of its objectives involve the informants as its external stakeholders. The second article is â€Å"Independent Agency Gets New Powers to Prosecute New York Police Officers† written by Baker and published in New York Times. Board lawyers have been given the chance to act as prosecutors instead of the police agency employees in cases when police officer s will be subjected to internal or administrative discipline (Baker, 2012). According to Baker, this was the response of the federal government after the Police Department faced cases concerning corruption, stop-and-frisk practices, lack of integrity of its crime data, and some associated violations in policing. All of these are potential grounds and bases concerning series of Wall Street protests against the Police Department. In this agreement, civilians at last have the opportunity that their voices be heard through the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Based on the above summary of the second article, it is clear that civilians are therefore other external stakeholders that have potential impact on the decision-making of criminal justice agencies. After all, it is the people which the criminal

Friday, February 7, 2020

Organisational Transformation in Practice Essay - 2

Organisational Transformation in Practice - Essay Example Each of the several departments and business units need to revamp their working and management styles while gradually imbuing the change concept. Moreover the process of organizational transformation helps the employees to gain huge insights into the change process. However the process of organizational transformation also renders potential obstacles and challenges to the managers which must be effectively managed to render efficiency. Organizational transformation as a change process becomes effective if the newer business processes and innovations brought about are rightly absorbed by the existing business climate. Similarly while recruiting newer employees or installing newer machineries and production systems learning must be rendered to train the recruited workforce to inherit the existing organizational culture. Again the existing pool of human resources must be also trained to gain insights about operating the newer machineries to rightly adjust them to the innovative environm ent. (Brynjolfsson, Renshaw & Alstyne, 1997). The process of organizational transformation is found to be a spontaneous process involving the transformation of several organizational factors and business processes. Each of the different organizational factors like human and technological attributes tends to act in a collaborative manner to help in the transformation of organizational dynamics. The several business departments pertaining to customer servicing, resource allocations, financing and billing and inventory and management of distribution channels all contribute to the process of organizational change by effectively altering the existing operational and business processes. (Kamoche, Cunha & Cunha, 2002, pp.182-185). Self awareness - Feelings and thoughts The experience of organizational transformation can be studied along certain relevant parameters like alterations in management and leadership styles, alterations along the personal and at the employee level and changes alon g the organizational climate as a whole. Organizational leaders become closely associated with the transformational themes introduced in the concern to bring about a holistic change in the existing business processes. The approach of the business leaders to help in rendering change in the business processes brought about the theory of ‘transformational leadership’. Leadership aspects in the organizations underwent large amount of transformations owing to changes in the external business environment. Moreover transformation brought about in the existing leadership styles also called for large amount of changes in the behavioural patterns of the leaders making them more courageous and accountable. Further the above aspect also demanded the leaders to develop their visionary potential and thereby inculcate an environment of spontaneous learning. (Simic, 1998, pp.50-51). Similarly the roles of managers also assume equal importance and potential to guide the different organi sational levels to rightly adapt the change process. Role of managers in the change process involve guiding the people to perform in an efficient manner in respect to the changing environment. It is observed in this respect that the upper management body of the organisations operate based